27º Mag 2014
Scheduled Maintenance Bengals Server - Server Upgrade (Completed)
Dear Customer,We are happy to Announce that we are upgeading our server S10 from a 8GB RAM to 62GB RAM which will even make our server a super blazing fast and prevent overload on the server. Upgrade is ready on Wednesday, 28th May 2014 at 09.00 AM WIB (UTC+7).We thank you for your support and for being DhyHost's partner and we value your ...
23º Mag 2014
Los Angeles 1 Datacenter Migration - USX01 Server (Completed)
Dear Customer,We get information from the Los Angeles Datacenter, that there is Datacenter Migration from Los Angeles 1 to Los Agenles 3. The move will be gradual, thus causing our server down for a while. Estimated down time is approximately 8 hours for a maximum of 1 day displacement within the datacenter.Schedule datacenter displacement ...
21º Mag 2014
Emergency Maintenance Kernel Panic on Server Grace (Resolved)
Dear Customer,
Currently there is an emergency kernel panic repair on the Grace server, we are working on this. The server will be online as soon as possible.
Please be patient until the repair is completed.
We apologize for this inconvenience.
12º Mag 2014
20Gbps DDOS Attack in Sentra Server (Resolved)
Dear Customer,We have been the target of large severe DDOS attacks. We are still waiting for the datacenter to get our client servers online. Unfortunately, there is no ETA currently however we will notify you once we are completely back online.We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience while we get this resolved.Best ...